
Contact Details

Phone and Email

01829 863663


Location & Hours

The location and hours details for our Office are:

Address: 65 Hillside Road, Ramsbottom, Bury, BL0 9NJ

Hours:    Mon-Fri: 9.00am – 5.00pm

Club Design Rochdale UK

Congleton Cricket Club

Congleton Cricket Club

Congleton Cricket Club is a busy club comprising of bowls, cricket and social members. Club Design was engaged to enter into brewery negotiations on the behalf of the club and then to use those funds to design and construct a new function room, tea-room and changing rooms.

Funding: Club’s Own Funds

Approximate Project Value: £240,000

Cheshire League Club
Traditional form of contract
Demolition and rebuilding of part of the existing clubhouse
New function room, kitchen and changing facilities
New cricket practice nets

Services provided:
All plans, elevations, site layouts and specifications.
Submission of planning applications.
All architectural work and project management, including tender action and appointment of contractor.
Negotiation of brewery deal.