
Contact Details

Phone and Email

01829 863663


Location & Hours

The location and hours details for our Office are:

Address: 65 Hillside Road, Ramsbottom, Bury, BL0 9NJ

Hours:    Mon-Fri: 9.00am – 5.00pm

Club Design Rochdale UK

Grant Funding

How We Can Help

It is certainly a more difficult proposition to obtain grant funding nowadays than at the height of the Sport England Lottery Fund in the late 1990’s. There is limited Lottery Funding available through an open application process.

The governing bodies of sport are now key to putting together a project that could attract funding from various funding sources – gone are the days of a ‘one hit’ major funding source! It is important that a need for funding is clearly identified and that a structured plan is put into place to deliver. We believe that our approach gives our clients the very best chance in achieving funding success.

Here are some examples of sports club project grant funding successes we have helped to achieve:

  • Rugby clubhouse, land purchase and pitch drainage – £735k grant.
  • Purchase of land and new cricket nets – £30k grant.
  • Drainage of cricket outfield and new nets – £40k grant.
  • Extension of clubhouse and new practice area – £104k grant.
  • New pavilion – £140k grant.
  • 4 football pitches, full sized artificial grass floodlit pitch and changing facilities – £920k grant.
  • New football clubhouse – £266k grant.
  • New changing pavilion, artificial grass practice pitch and grass pitch drainage – £130k grant.