
Contact Details

Phone and Email

01829 863663


Location & Hours

The location and hours details for our Office are:

Address: 65 Hillside Road, Ramsbottom, Bury, BL0 9NJ

Hours:    Mon-Fri: 9.00am – 5.00pm

Club Design Rochdale UK

Natural Turf & Artificial Surfaces

We Provision All Types Of Surface

Artificial Grass has developed substantially in recent years. Club Design has designed managed the construction of many installations, including cricket net practice areas, tennis courts and 3rd Generation football and rugby pitches.

Additionally, Club Design has designed and managed the construction of natural turf surfaces, including new cricket grounds, football pitches and rugby pitches.

Pitch Projects We Have Completed Include:


Unsworth C.C. – Full sized cricket ground, grass net area and artificial grass net area.
Skelmersdale C.C. – Full sized cricket ground, artificial grass net area.
BACEE Cricket Club – drainage to cricket outfield.
Richmond Cricket Club – Artificial grass net area and drainage to outfield.
Sandbach C.C. – Full sized cricket ground.
Oxford Downs C.C. – New square and outfield extension.
Westhoughton C.C. – Full sized cricket ground, artificial grass net area, new rugby pitch.
Carrington C.C. – Artificial grass net area.
Bamford Fieldhouse C.C. – Artificial grass net area.

Football & Rugby

Tyldesley RUFC – 3 rugby pitches and 2 football pitches.
GFSA – Drainage to 8 football and 2 rugby pitches. Reconstruction of 3 pitches.
Hopwood Hall College – Construction of 5 football pitches.
De La Salle Sports Club – Drainage to 3 football and 1 rugby pitch.
Grappenhall Sports Club – 2 new football pitches.

Artificial Surfaces

Rochdale Racquets Club – 5 new artificial grass floodlit tennis courts.
Grappenhall Sports Club – 2 tarmac tennis courts, 6 artificial grass tennis courts.
BACEE Sports Club – New 3G practice pitch.
Hopwood Hall College – Full sized floodlit 3G football pitch.
Matthew Moss School – Full sized floodlit 3G football and hockey pitch.
Cardinal Langley School – Full sized floodlit 3G football and hockey pitch.
GFSA – Full sized 3G Football and Rugby Pitch.
ECB & N-Power – 6 cricket Multi-Use-Games-Areas.