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01829 863663


Location & Hours

The location and hours details for our Office are:

Address: 65 Hillside Road, Ramsbottom, Bury, BL0 9NJ

Hours:    Mon-Fri: 9.00am – 5.00pm

Club Design Rochdale UK

Oxford Downs Cricket Club

Oxford Downs Cricket Club

Oxford Downs C.C. approached Club Design following an arson attack on its old clubhouse. The committee wanted to know whether grant funding might be attracted to rebuild the charred clubhouse. Grant funding was not available, but through an innovative approach to the landlord and the owner of the adjacent paddock, planning consent was achieved to sell half of the cricket ground for residential development, providing funds to build a new cricket square, half an outfield and a brand new pavilion.

Funding: Sale of part of the site for residential development.

Approximate Project Value: £0.5M

Cherwell League cricket club
Traditional form of contract
Sale of part of site for residential development, construction of new cricket square and half an outfield, construction of new pavilion and new car park.

Services provided:
Negotiations with landlord and adjacent land owner.
Discussions with planning officers to get agreement on enabling development.
Full feasibility study and cost information.
Liaison with housing developer.
All plans, elevations, site layouts and specifications.
Submission of planning applications.
All architectural work and project management, including tender action and appointment of ground and building contractors.