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01829 863663


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The location and hours details for our Office are:

Address: 65 Hillside Road, Ramsbottom, Bury, BL0 9NJ

Hours:    Mon-Fri: 9.00am – 5.00pm

Club Design Rochdale UK

Tyldesley Rugby Union Club

Tyldesley Rugby Union Club

Tyldesley RUFC approached Club Design to initially look at advising on grant funding bids to improve existing facilities. However, the club’s old site accommodated only two pitches and the fabric of the clubhouse was beyond repair. Relocation was then considered as a more favourable option. After selling the site to a developer, Club Design achieved detailed consent on a greenbelt site and managed the construction of all the new facilities. The club is a regular venue for county and other representative fixtures.

Funding: Sale of site to a developer

Approximate Project Value: £1.2m

North Lancashire/Cumbria League
Traditional form of contract
Green belt site
New clubhouse and car park
Function room, members lounge and 6 changing rooms
3 new Rugby pitches and 2 New Football pitches

Services provided:
Sale of land to developer.
Negotiations with owner of new site.
Full feasibility study with costing information.
Negotiations with planners, local people and local councillors.
All plans, elevations, site layouts, rugby and football pitch design and specifications.
Submission of planning application.
All architectural work and project management, including tender action and appointment of ground and building contractors.